Accessibility Roadmap

Created: 27th March 2023
Last Updated: July 2024
Next Review Date: Aug 2024

Our accessibility roadmap shows how we plan to improve accessibility. This work will be undertaken on an ongoing basis.


PRO-636: Microsite – Clear input button is not recognized by screen reader__NVDA screen reader, when you hover over text it is reading everything clearly as expected. No issues detected when navigating trough tabs. Screen reader is reading also state of search input, and is telling user that input is a autocomplete and also state of input when is expanded.There is a one thing what we can Improve for better user experience:Clear input button is not recognized by screen readerNVDA ( ) (MS)   _DoneLow

PRO-773: There is no way to skip repeatable content on any of the Pro-AccountsWhen tabbing through each page, you need to be able to be given the option to bypass blocks of code to aid the browsing experience of users who require keyboard to scroll, or assistive technologies such as screen readers. This is typically aimed at repeating code, such as navigation menus or page headers and one of the reasons for doing this is so that users can get to content with fewer keystrokes.ReadyHigh

PRO-734: The Clear All chip on the Pro-Account search page does not clearly show when it is being highlightedWhen you tab to each of the interactable furniture items on the Pro-Account search page, the item is highlighted to show that the item is in focus. The way this item is in focus depends on what it is, but for accessibility, it must be clear that the focus is there. When a search filter is applied, a number of search chips appeared under the filter categories. The individual filters are white, while the clear all chip is a dark colour.ReadyLow

PRO-647: proaccount – clear input buttonOn search input clear button is not recognized by NVDA screen readerReadyLow

PRO-643: Download Dialog – Download buttonsWhen you tab into download on the app store button or get it on google play screen reader is saying details id = 15259826…. insted of reading content of the button – on proaccount it is working fine.I think screen reader is reading this id from urlReadyLow

PRO-229: Search screen is bringing back blank appsWhen you tab to each of the interactable furniture items on the IDF search page, the item is highlighted to show that item is in focus. The way this item is in focus depends on what it is, but for accessibility it must be clear that the focus is there. When a search filter is applied, a number of search chips appeared under the filter categories. The individual filters are white, while the clear all chip is a dark colour.DoneLow

PRO-748: Microsite carousel ’tile layout’ when viewed in mobile mode has accessibility issueAccording to the Google Lighthouse reports, [aria-hidden=”true”] elements must not contain focusable descendents. However, on the Hywel Dda Microsite homepage when viewed in mobile mode, the other items in the carousel, such as “Gradd uchaf Adferiad COVID”, are all showing as a fail, for example the element <div aria-hidden=”true” data-swipeable=”true” style=”width: 100%; flex-shrink: 0; overflow: auto;”>, as it has the focusable descendent <a href=”/cy/topic/covid-recovery”>. This applies to all items in the carousel.Please see the attached report for more information.DoneMedium

PRO-810: Empty alt tag with a titleAccording to WCAG 2.1 Guideline 1.1 Text Alternatives: Provide text alternatives for any non-text content so that it can be changed into other forms people need, such as large print, braille, speech, symbols or simpler language.However, on our microsite the logo, which also acts as a link back to the home page, has an empty alt tag but includes a title, and as such fails this accessibility check:<img src=”” alt=”” title=”Return to Homepage” class=”css-3w46sn”>The alt therefore needs to have a value included so it is not flagged up as an issue.DoneLow

PRO-811: SVG tags across our sites do not have a roleAccording to WCAG 2.1 Guideline 1.1 Text Alternatives: Provide text alternatives for any non-text content so that it can be changed into other forms people need, such as large print, braille, speech, symbols or simpler language.However, on our microsite we use <svg> items to act as an image, but they miss an explicit role=”img” tag, which means we are failing accessibility checks because we are not providing text alternatives for our non-text content.Therefore, we need to investigate whether we can include the role tags in our svg items.DoneLow

PRO-780: The screen reader doesn’t pick up that the Select Language functionality on the Microsite is a drop-down listThe Microsite header, displayed on every page, contains a drop-down list which allows the user to select the language that the page is displayed in. However, there are no aria labels on the drop-down list which allows the screen reader to identify that it is a drop-down list. This means that when the screen reader gets to the list, it just says “Select Language” and nothing else.Therefore, the item needs appropriate tags, such as roles, to ensure that the screen reader can pick up that this is a drop-down list, as defined in . There are labels on an internal div, but it appears they need to be higher for the screen reader to pick it up.DoneMedium

PRO-771: There is no way to skip tabbing the Video on the Video widget of the MicrositeWhen tabbing through each page, you need to be able to be given the option to bypass blocks of code to aid the browsing experience of users who require keyboard to scroll, or assistive technologies such as screen readers. While this is typically aimed at repeating code, such as navigation menus or page headers, one of the reasons for doing this is so that users can get to content with fewer keystrokes.The Hywel Dda homepage has a video link to an Orcha Health video. However, due to the way the YouTube video is constructed outside of our control, the user has to make 6 tabs to get past the video, which isn’t a productive experience.Therefore, an option needs to be added to skip video content and move to the next landmark (see for more on the use of landmarks in accessibility). This will help to speed up the navigation process and allow users to have a faster browsing experience.Please see the attached video which shows how time consuming it is to scroll.To fix this we can add a “skip” link similar to the feature that was developed for the navigation here: PRO-772: Add “Skip navigation” link to micrositeThere’s also an example of this on the hywell dda site: they use it when tabbing to the twitter feature where you can skip over the twitter content.DoneMedium

PRO-796: Using the NVDA screen reader prevents the select language drop-down list from being traversedWhen using the Windows built in screen reader, it is able to traverse through each of the options on the select language drop-down list with no issues. It says that it is a menu item, it has been collapsed and that the “Select Language” is “English United Kingdom”. When you click Enter to load the menu it says “Language selector menu group”, and each time you select one of the menu items by using the up and down keys it says “x of 3, language selector menu” and then says which language option is currently in focus. If you put the selected language in focus, it says “Selected”.However, when using the NDVA screen reader, you cannot use the keyboard to navigate through the options in the list. The up and down keys do not work, and as such you have to use the mouse when traversing through the options, which is an accessibility issue.From doing a quick Google search, it appears that the key down option does not work when in browse mode, as per the following: .From reading the link below, this appears to be an ongoing issue.ReadyMedium

PRO-769: When tabbing through the microsite home page, tabbing backwards doesn’t adjust the position of the screenWhen you tab through each of the interactable elements of the Hywel Dda homepage ( ), the focus of the page moves along with the tab, so not only can you see which item of furniture is currently in focus, you can see that item on the page. This is because the page automatically adjusts the focus to show the item you are tabbed to, the equivalent of scrolling down.However, if you get to the bottom of the home page and then tab backwards (SHIFT + TAB), the page does not readjust the position in line with the cursor. So when you get to the hero strip, and the two interactable items on that strip (the search text box and button), you cannot see that they are in focus as the page hasn’t adjusted. You either have to manually scroll up using the mouse or keyboard to see what has been scrolled to, as shown in the attached video.This is a failure of AA accessibility requirements.UPDATE: This works fine on my main monitor, but on my laptop screen it doesn’t work. So it appears to be related to the screen resolution.ReadyMedium

ROAD-1767: Solution to apply ‘alt tags’ to app preview thumbnailsWhen we pull through the app preview thumbnails, there is currently no way for us to include an appropriate alternative description to all the app thumbnails. This ticket is to explore options to include an appropriate alt-text to all thumbnails.ReadyMedium