If digital health products truly have the power to revolutionise healthcare, then we have to be just as responsible with them as we are with any other aspect of medical practice.
Accreditation of digital health solutions is fundamental for their safe adoption, equipping healthcare providers and practitioners with access to health apps which meet your standards.
Regional, national and international accreditation schemes need to be robust and reliable across a wide range of criteria to assure they are secure, cost-effective for the public purse and continuous to reflect the ever changing nature of digital health.
Our unique technology allows rapid certification of health apps in a repeatable process, with unmatched speed and accuracy.
Assessment technology
Our technology enables you to achieve your accreditation goals, be they to build a new assessment framework, run an existing scheme, outsource the end-to-end process, or assess a single product against a digital health assessment framework. Our technology is:
- Objective, accurate and fast.
- Bespoke to your needs.
- Built on international best practice.

Digital health scheme builder
Create an assessment programme with the right standards for you. Develop accreditation criteria for your scheme, featuring both international best practice and regulations unique to your needs.
Translate your standards into an operational Digital Health Assessment Platform, with objective measures for each criteria and a suitable scoring model.
Your accreditation programme will be tested before launch to calibrate the outcomes.

Run an accreditation scheme
Conduct rapid certification of health apps, with unmatched speed and accuracy. Our unique, end-to-end Digital Health Assessment Platform delivers objective, accurate and fast digital health product assessments.
The platform gives you end-to-end visibility and reporting. The output from the Assessment Platform can be made public or be restricted.
The platform is secure and scalable. You can choose who operates the platform, such as your team, third party suppliers, or ORCHA assessors.
What is your assessment technology?
With our assessment technology platform we can create a bespoke digital health product assessment framework, that builds on globally accepted baseline assessment criteria, for your country or healthcare system.
This allows you to focus your efforts on bespoke assessment requirements important to you, while benefitting from baseline assessment data already collected.
Your own digital health product assessment framework will provide you with an efficient and systematic approach to assessing digital health products recommended by your healthcare professionals and used by your patients and citizens.
Digital health suppliers, such as developers and innovators, will have clarity on the steps they must take to meet and pass your set of standards. And healthcare professionals, patients and citizens will have clear guidance on what a digital health product needs to demonstrate, building trust in digital health across your health and care ecosystem.
We have been developing our assessment technology since 2015 and have helped create digital health product assessment frameworks for over 12 countries including the UK, US and Nordics.
How does your assessment technology work?
Our assessment technology is cloud-based, so you can access it from anywhere, and assess digital health products at scale and at pace. To build your own digital health product assessment framework, underpinned by our technology, you start by choosing the domains you want to base your assessment on.
Assessment domains include usability and accessibility, data and privacy, technical security, interoperability, and clinical and professional assurance.
The platform provides a modular approach to building your digital health product assessment framework. You can prioritise which domains you want to include and benefit from the work we have undertaken with over 12 countries and over 20,000 digital health product assessments.
A digital health product assessment framework helps you assess digital health products to your chosen standards, specific to the needs of the population you want to provide assurance for.
How much will it cost to create our own assessment framework?
Please contact us through our free online contact form to see what our current offers are and speak to our team for next steps.
Case study
“We found that ORCHA seemed to be the leading organisation for quality assurance of digital health, and since we have quite an ambitious goal for the Nordic countries, we saw it as better to then join forces with ORCHA and build upon the knowledge and the solutions that they already had.”
– Anders Tunold-Hanssen, CEO and Project Manager of the Nordic Interoperability Project (N!P)