Clear Mind Project: Teen boys help other teens find mental health support


Clear Mind Project: Teen boys help other teens find mental health support

Project Clear Minds

According to charity Young Minds, 67% of young people felt the pandemic would have a long-term impact on their mental health.

Now, a group of teenage boys are working together to figure out how technology, in the form of health apps, can support their peers through tough times.

The Clear Mind Project, a name which the boys themselves chose, was instigated by Liz Ashall-Payne, founding CEO of Daresbury-based health tech specialist ORCHA (the Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Apps).

Luke Scott, 15, Ollie Rawlinson John, 16, James McCann, 17, and Marcus Ashall-Payne, 16, were invited to take part in a work experience project, which challenged them to select a number of health apps focusing on mental health support for young people and to promote them to as wide an audience as possible.

Having selected the five apps they wished to recommend, the boys created a leaflet for distribution at their schools and a series of TikTok videos and Instagram posts. They also produced a presentation, featuring their top five recommended apps, which they delivered to 400 students via the Speakers for Schools project and to CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services) professionals in Cambridgeshire and Surrey.

Highlights of the project were a visit by Weaver Vale MP, Mike Amesbury, to the ORCHA headquarters at the Sci-Tech Daresbury business park and a radio interview with the Word on Health programme, which is broadcast on community radio across the UK.

Mike Amesbury MP in discussion with Work Experience Student James McCann

Commenting on his visit, Mike Amesbury said: “It was a delight to meet James and hear more about the project. Mental illness is something that affects all ages. Statistics show around 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem each year. The pandemic has exacerbated this even more.

“James and other young people in his team identified quality mental health apps which they then promoted to their peers through a social media campaign. They also worked alongside NHS clinicians in a truly innovative project that gave a voice to young people in the important and growing area of digital health.”

The teens commented that the pandemic had put extra pressure on themselves and on their peers. James said: The severe social isolation caused by the pandemic has led to many people struggling to revert to a normal social life. I think this can contribute to mental health conditions like depression and anxiety.”

Ollie added: “A lot of people will have broken up from school and be thinking now about exam results, which will also be causing them stress. They need high quality health apps – ones which will help with mental health support and be safe for teens.”

Liz Ashall-Payne said: “This is our first youth project but we intend to do more. We are blown away by what the boys have achieved and we sincerely hope that the five apps chosen by the Clear Mind Project will help young people.”

Liz added: “We’d also like to reach out to schools across our region, as we offer a Digital Healthy Schools programme. With young people increasingly turning to their phones for support with their health, we want to make absolutely sure that they understand how and where to find high quality apps, which will be safe for them to use.”

Clear Minds - apps for teens and young adults

The five apps recommended by the Clear Mind Project team are:



Wysa is an AI chatbot that uses cognitive behavioural techniques to ensure that patients feel heard. The app’s conversational coaching tools are powered by the AI bot to allow users to express their feelings confidently and anonymously. These tools help users to cultivate confidence, reduce anxiety and improve general wellbeing.

Platforms: Apple iOS and Android
Cost: In-app purchases but students get premium free
ORCHA score: 85%



MeeToo is an app that allows users to share their struggles and receive advice from other users. It is aimed at anyone who is above the age of eleven and creates an accessible and comforting atmosphere for users going through a variety of issues. The app has a social media-like layout which the majority of teenagers will be very familiar with, making it more appealing and engaging. MeeToo has an age band feature that connects app users to others of a similar age.

Platforms: Apple iOS, Google, Android
Cost: Free
ORCHA score: 81%



Apart of Me is a game app that is described as “A beautiful world, built to guide you through your darkest moments.” It is designed to help younger audiences cope with grief, anticipatory grief and loss. It includes interactive features such as journals that share real life experiences of other teenagers that have been through grief and loss, and they share their own personal methods they use to cope during their difficult times.

Platforms: Apple iOS, Android
Cost: Free
ORCHA score: 80%



This helps provide structure to people’s lives when they need help remembering things, making decisions, planning, or managing anxiety. It is mostly used by people who are autistic, have learning difficulties or who are battling mental health challenges. It combines digital self-management technology with human support to help people live a more independent lifestyle.

Platforms: Apple iOS, Android, Web
Cost: Subscription
ORCHA score: 88%



Recovery Record helps people with eating disorders including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. It can also help with general eating, weight and shape concerns. Users can keep a record of meals, thoughts and feelings, view charts that highlight insights, trends and progress plus receive and send encouraging messages and virtual gifts to/from other users.

Platforms: Apple iOS and Android
Cost: Free
ORCHA score: 82%

ORCHA speaks at European mHealth Hub’s Hub Talks 2021: Digital Health Assessment Frameworks


European mHealth Hub Spotlight on Digital Health Assessment Frameworks

digital health accreditation across the globe

The European mHealth Hub was founded to serve as a focal point for expertise on mHealth in the WHO European Region. Its latest Hub Talk event covered the important topic of digital health assessment frameworks, and shone a spotlight on the work taking place in the Nordics, Netherlands and Israel. mHealth Hub highlighted that these are powerful examples of how a public-private partnership can deliver very concrete results building on each other’s strengths.

Hani Eskandar, Digital Services Senior Coordinator BDT/DGS, mHealth Hub spoke with Anders Tunold-Hanssen, CEO, The Nordic Interoperability Project, Rimmert Brandsma, Project Leader, MIND Platform, and our very own Tim Andrews, co-founder and COO, ORCHA.

During the discussion, Rimmert Brandsma, Project Leader, MIND Platform, presented on how MIND and de Nederlandse ggz worked with ORCHA to find and select mental health apps in the Netherlands – guiding people through the jungle of apps.

Explaining the multi-layered digital health assessment that combines the ORCHA assessment, MIND test panel reviews, and MIND editorial board consolidated reviews, Rimmert expressed that,

“The essence of our success, I think, is the multilayered concept of co-creation.”

“Because it’s a volatile market, we need some kind of stability in guiding that market to the next steps, and that’s what we are doing.”

The webinar also heard from Anders Tunold-Hanssen, CEO, The Nordic Interoperability Project, who discussed building the Nordic digital health ecosystem. Anders explained that what the Nordic Interoperability Project wanted to do was:

“Regulate what is an unregulated market in the Nordics to assist the citizens and health ecosystem, and we also wanted to build one common Nordic home market for the health app industry. To both benefit the healthcare sector, but also to stimulate the healthcare industry to build digital health solutions that could be viable and sustainable.”

The Nordic Interoperability Project worked with ORCHA to build their digital health accreditation framework. The essence of this, Anders explains, is that,

“It’s really important when starting looking at these kinds of frameworks that unlocking the power of digital health is not about finding the right standard and how to do the accreditation, it’s more about finding a system where you also focus on the implementation and activation of digital health. We don’t need a lot of quality assured digital health solutions; we need a lot of quality assured digital health solutions in the right hands – in the hands of the healthcare workers and of the individuals.”

ORCHA’s Tim Andrews presented on Developing Services to Support the Digital Patient, discussing the challenge of how to manage the process of digital health accreditation when there are so many potential solutions:

“Whilst there has been a huge uptick in interest in digital health, this is often not matched with quite the rate of adoption and usage that everybody would like to see, particularly in areas that impact healthcare systems. The opportunity that is perhaps being most missed at the minute is the ability for digital health to be embedded into healthcare systems.”

On ORCHA’s work in overcoming the main barriers to using digital health solutions – awareness, accessibility, trust and governance – Tim explained that,

“We’ve started to identify in ORCHA the various different assessment frameworks and started to build into our systems the ability to deliver against each of these, such as the NHSX DTAC standard which has been published in the UK, the new ISO standard (ISO 82304-2), the DiGA assessment in Germany, and emerging national approaches.”

Summarising, Tim highlighted that, “You need to be able to balance practicality and rigour, and therefore being able to make the job easier for developers to meet all of these different accreditation requirements is critical because then they will engage, and, as a result of that, what you are able to do is push the developers and the product owners towards being more compliant and creating higher standard products. The key thing for [ORCHA] is that, although it appears like quite a complex and diverse world, actually, it is increasingly becoming more and more practically convergent on the ground.”

If you missed the talk, you can view the recording here:

For more information, or to ask any questions about topics raised in the webinar and our work in this space, please contact us.

How do Digital Health Standards Assess Evidence?


How do Digital Health Standards Assess Evidence?

An international snapshot of how evidence is defined around the world


As the uptake of digital health technologies increases, so too does the need for robust digital health assessment methodologies. Evaluations of impact enable healthcare professionals and the public to make informed decisions about which technologies to use to best support their health and wellbeing.

When thinking about creating a digital health standard as a national body, or looking to gather evidence as an innovator, the question at the forefront of minds is: what is suitable evidence for digital health technologies? And what proof do we need to satisfy assurance in this emerging field?

We take a deep dive into how current standards tackle the issue of evidence, the gaps and challenges that emerge, and what factors to consider.


What is suitable evidence?

Digital health technologies are often born out of the desire to help people tackle a health challenge, be it to reduce anxiety or monitor for signs of skin cancer. The possibilities offered by technology, combined with the convenience of mobile, creates the potential for improved outcomes. But how can you tell which digital health technologies are safe, which will deliver improved outcomes, and in what scenarios?

Whilst there are many elements that people need to be assured about in the digital health space, it is the questions around product efficacy and safety that are perhaps the most important. 

Many early digital health assessment models recognised how crucial efficacy and safety are, and establishing evidence of claimed benefits or impact has been a common requirement ever since. But what types of evidence or assurance a digital health technology should be required to provide to establish its efficacy and safety?

Initially, there was no international reference point to help with this challenge. Traditional healthcare approaches to evidence, typically centre around randomised controlled trials (RCTs) or, more recently, high-quality observational studies capturing real world evidence. But digital health presents challenges to these traditional evidential approaches. 

Firstly, it is crucial to avoid categorising all digital health technologies as one homogeneous group of products or services that demand the same level of assurance. Digital health technologies are connected as a group through their primary delivery model – digital – yet technologies vary widely in complexity, use cases and associated risk.

A product that plays music to help children brush their teeth for the right amount of time, is rightly part of the digital health technology space, alongside a product that checks heart rhythms for arrhythmias like atrial fibrillation. Both are great products and have value to offer, but beyond their common mode of delivery, they are poles apart, with different levels of complexity and risk. As such, should the evidence of efficacy be the same for both? Or should the complexity and risk have a bearing on what needs to be demonstrated? We describe this as the Proportionality Principle.

Secondly, digital health technologies are typically developed using an agile and iterative approach. They are built on a rapid real world evidence approach, with user-centred design and user-driven feedback and iteration dictating product refinement and driving product efficacy in target areas. This model involves a growing maturity cycle, with early stage prototypes and proof of concepts morphing into more stable and established products. 

Traditional evidential approaches assume once built and tested, a product doesn’t change; they are not designed to deal with this type of product development model, with rapid evolution underpinning it. 

At some point in this maturity, digital health technologies will reach a point where more substantive and traditional approaches to evidence collation are appropriate, and where the rate of change and development has slowed down to a manageable and predictable level. 

More work needs to be done to factor this situation into the various assessment frameworks. We describe this as the Lifecycle Challenge.

Finally, for digital health technologies, evidence of efficacy often needs to span distinct areas of required proof. These are:


  • Evidence of comparative effectiveness: Evidence that a digital health technology is as effective or more effective at delivering a given outcome than the equivalent non-digital process. The digital health technology should lead to a demonstrable improvement in patient or clinical outcomes. In traditional evidence terminology, this may be considered as a ‘per protocol’ analysis, determining the benefit of the technology if used properly.


  • Human factor analysis: This is an assessment of how effectively the digital health technology is utilised and engaged with by end users, be they patients, or health and care professionals. It is often missing in many studies and trials which focus on the efficacy of the algorithm but not on the user interface and engagement. This may be considered as an ‘intention to treat’ analysis, i.e. how is it actually used (and resulting in a benefit), under real-world circumstances, as opposed to those under ‘ideal’ conditions.


  • Evidence of economic benefit: Just like any other health intervention, a digital health technology can have strong evidence of comparative effectiveness but not actually deliver any material economic benefit. In the pharmaceutical world, the split between ‘clinical effectiveness’ and economic value is well established, but for digital health technologies, this is an area where it is even more uncommon to find substantive health economic evidence. To date there are little over 700 published and peer-reviewed economic analyses of digital health technologies, compared to the 366,000 technologie available to download today.


We call this the Evidential Range Challenge.

Given these specific challenges that digital health technologies must meet in the evidential space, how can we develop a model that navigates a path through these challenges and maintains a suitable balance between on the one hand assurance rigour, and on the other practicality and achievability? 

Placing the evidential bar too high is likely to exclude a huge number of digital health technologies that are either not at the right level of maturity, or are very simple, low risk technologies that are unlikely to ever reach the higher levels of evidence. Placing the bar too low, however, risks the accreditation affording no material assurance and so defeating the purpose of undertaking such a process. Striking this balance remains one of the most challenging aspects of digital health technology accreditation development. 

How, therefore, have accreditation models and assessment frameworks in the digital health space responded to these challenges and how have they sought to manage this balancing act?


Where does evidence fit into standards?

The global response to this challenge for digital health assessment has been limited historically, but over the last few years a number of frameworks and models have emerged that seek to address some of these issues. Below, we look at the emerging models and how they approach the incorporation of evidence into digital health assessment.


Evidence Standards Framework for Digital Health Technologies (ESF)

To move away from a reliance on RCTs in order to demonstrate evidential credibility, between June 2018 and February 2019, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) created the Evidence Standards Framework for Digital Health Technologies (ESF), in collaboration with NHS England, Public Health England and MedCity. Although lots of research has been undertaken globally into what evidence should look like, this tiered approach is the most established methodology to date.

The Framework, which was recently updated,  groups products into tiers based on their functionality, each of which outlines what the developer must establish for their digital health technology. NICE explains that their Framework is ‘a set of standards that support innovation while ensuring an appropriate level of rigour and assurance for the health and care system’. 

Whereas the higher tiers of digital health require RCTs, and observational studies which stated minimum quality standards, those in the lower tiers of the Framework do not require traditional evidence requirements. Alternative methods of assurance can instead be accepted. This model was the first to properly enshrine the Proportionality Principle and at its heart is the acknowledgement that not all products in this space have the same risk profile.

Introducing a benchmark appropriate to the role and risks of a product helps many of the smaller innovators to avoid the prohibitive cost, time and skills barrier of being required to conduct trials or studies. This aims to ensure a good supply of innovative products of varying levels of complexity, enabling a more streamlined and proportionate roadmap to accreditation.

Although the NICE Framework predominantly caters to a UK audience in response to UK-related needs, elements of the Framework, particularly with regards to the tiering of products, have inspired the development of global standards and the Proportionality Principle that has now been largely adopted, albeit in different ways, by subsequent models.


ISO 82304-2

The ISO 82304-2 (Health software — Part 2: Health and wellness apps—Quality and reliability), developed as a new European standard, is expected to be officially launched in 2021. The standard has been designed for self-certification by developers, enabling innovators to easily identify if they meet the standard. It has also been designed to inform assessment processes being developed with different accrediting bodies.

For assurance, the guidance asks organisations to demonstrate different types of evidence, and indicates, based on some intended usages, that an observational study or a randomised controlled trial is required. Whilst the tiering isn’t as detailed as the NICE Framework, it does adapt the requirements based on functionality and reinforces the Proportionality Principle.

The ISO has yet to be tested at scale and there will, as in all models, undoubtedly be some challenges around the tiering definitions, as more products start to seek certification. However it is a major piece of work and really supports the emerging direction of travel established through the NICE Framework.


The Digital Health Applications (DiGA) process

Created in Germany in 2020, the DiGA requires healthcare tools to meet specified criteria to be recognised as DiGA under the Digital Healthcare Act, including providing preliminary data on the benefits they provide, akin to the European Medicines Agency’s ‘adaptive pathways’ approach, in addition to being CE-certified as medical products in the EU’s lowest-risk classes – the DiGA only covers medical devices. 

The DiGA includes data on evidence, with the requirement for a quantitative comparative study with the methodology adequate for the product. The DiGA also considers the maturity of digital health technologies in their product development cycle. Innovators can apply for the DiGA without a RCT and get temporary registration for a year, but they have to complete a RCT within this year. This gives lower maturity technologies time to gather evidence. By creating a process for complex technologies only, whilst considering the maturity of the technologies. 

The DiGA is still in a relatively early stage of its evolution and has so far been applied to a quite small number of products. It will be interesting to see how the model evolves and whether the approach to the Lifecycle Challenge offers a potential route that could be adapted elsewhere.


Adapted Evidence Standards Framework

The Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Applications (ORCHA) continues to evolve standards in this field, and introduced an Adapted Evidence Standards Framework to its reviews in early 2021.

Designed to be adopted both in the UK and internationally, as part of international assessment methodologies, this adapted model is very much a build on the NICE Framework and adopts the same core structure and approach. The Adapted Evidence Standards Framework has evolved following the application of the original NICE Framework to in excess of 1,000 assessments of digital health products. Through this process, a number of edge cases and issues were identified with the original model and these drove the development of a range of adaptations that have been collated in this alternative model. 

Through these adaptations the model seeks to avoid any subjective or broad questions and includes only questions that can be assessed objectively with clear ‘evidence/assurance’ requirements. Where bands of tiers in other standards are quite broad, this model introduces subclasses within tiers. This prevents simpler products getting caught in a category which causes them to be assessed with higher criteria than is appropriate but also up-levels some products that would under the original NICE Framework be classed at a lower Tier. 

The model also looks to address some of the specific issues identified from the significant sample set, regarding the higher end evidential requirements in the NICE Framework and, in particular, the challenges associated with undertaking RCTs or Interventional Studies for some types of products – for example, diagnostics. 

Having now been applied to in excess of 1,500 digital health assessments, the model has now been adopted within a growing number of international accreditation models.



A number of models have now emerged, seeking to meet the challenges faced when assessing digital health technologies. The Proportionality Principle is clearly factored into most of the leading frameworks. Some are also starting to address the Evidential Range Challenge. But the one challenge area that is still largely un-resolved is the Lifecycle Challenge, although the DiGA model does address aspects.  

ORCHA continues to investigate the best ways to incorporate evidence and assurance components into digital health assessment. It is working with a growing variety of international bodies to incorporate its approach into accreditation methodologies specific to the needs of particular countries and their populations. 

When considering which elements to include in the development of your own digital health assessment, it is important to consider the gaps and challenges in current approaches, but also the growing consensus that is emerging at a principle level.

We are currently undertaking a number of research projects to test our approaches and understand the complexities of digital health evidence, including: 

(1) A wide ranging Delphi study with global leaders in digital health accreditation to identify existing assessment gaps.

(2) A research project with the Netherlands eLiving Lab (NeLL) testing a representative sample set of digital health technologies against the key evidence assessment frameworks outlined above to determine the comparative impact of each model.

(3) An assessment of how user experience plays a role in promoting clinical effectiveness with Ulster University. 

(4) An exploration and critical appraisal of behavioural change techniques employed in digital health technologies, and how best to evaluate them, with the University of Warwick.

To find out more about these projects, receive the published papers, or to discuss your accreditation needs, please email:

Digital Health Accreditation in the Netherlands

Case Study

Digital Health Accreditation in the Netherlands

GGZ website on laptop screen

Improving the lives of those living with a mental health condition



Mental Health is a significant challenge for health services in the Netherlands. Depression has the highest burden of disease of all health conditions (8.2%), including cardiovascular diseases and cancer (1). To address this growing demand, professionals have identified that digital health can be useful in treatment, enhancing and extending services.  But they haven’t used it extensively, as there has been uncertainty around which products are good. Professionals wanted digital health to be assessed before recommending it to patients. 

Yet at the same time, people experiencing mental health conditions have been increasingly using apps. This has typically been approached informally by trial and error or asking peers. But this approach takes time, requires persistence and isn’t informed by evidence. 

So in 2019, the Ministry of Mental Health Services put in place the funding to establish a programme to evaluate health apps, putting in place the tools to enable digital health to be safely part of mental health recovery services. With this funding at the end of 2019 ‘MIND’ – in co-creation with ‘de Nederlandse ggz’ – started the development of, which was eventually launched in the beginning of 2021. 



To be guided by evidence MIND reviewed scientific papers to understand if apps really do help. Once it was confirmed that there are good apps that do provide a positive impact, they researched how people find and choose apps. 

As there is very little research into how people choose health apps, the team conducted experiments themselves. They discovered that searches result in hundreds of app suggestions, with no trusted information to indicate which are good.

Focus groups revealed the information people want when choosing an app. They don’t just want a score, they want the facts behind this. Basically they want to know three things:

  1. Is it useful for me? There is no perfect one app that meets all needs for all people, so people want to understand if it will help their specific need.  
  2. Is it safe? Most people care if their personal information will be secure. 
  3. Can I trust it? As health is important, people want to know if an app has been checked for clinical assurance.

Also people are interested in the opinion of others about an app. Do peers and/or professionals give some kind of appreciation or depreciation of an app?

Whilst researching the sector, the team learned about the Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Apps (ORCHA), and the hundreds of assessments it had already conducted on mental health apps. The team felt that the ORCHA assessment was objective and thorough; they liked how the assessment publishes not only a score but also the additional information sought. Further research revealed that every question the MIND team had developed to assess an app, ORCHA had already asked it. In fact ORCHA asked more questions the team couldn’t possibly answer within a reasonable balance between costs and benefits.

ORCHA’s comprehensive base of reviews, together with its work with the NHS, led MIND to work with ORCHA. This collaboration was more appropriate for the programme than trying to reinvent the wheel. 

The programme decided to utilise ORCHA’s objective reviews and layer on top its own qualitative assessment information. For this additional layer, MIND arranged for 4 to 8 people to test an app for two weeks, after which each participant answers a structured questionnaire containing 20 (of quantitative and qualitative) questions. Questions ranged from ‘How easy was this app for you to keep using?’, ‘To what extent would you recommend this app to other people?’ to ‘What improvements do you suggest to improve the app?’. Participants included both professionals and people with mental health conditions. The feedback has been consistent from both groups, each bringing a different but each other reinforcing perspective. The individual testing reports were transformed by the MIND team into one consolidated summary, which functions as a preview of what someone can expect from this app.



As part of this programme, almost 100 digital health products have been through the ORCHA evaluation and 20 of these have been through the additional MIND structured questionnaire layer. It is hoped this second figure will reach 50 by the end of this year. The evaluated products are hosted on a website that can be easily searched by everybody who is interested in mental health apps. The website is also useful for health care professionals to give advice about using a mental health app.

Since its launch in January 2021, the site has been visited 35,000 times and feedback has been extremely positive. People welcome the trusted information on the apps that are in the library. This has been especially important during lock-down, when an increasing number of apps from un-reputable sources have been launched.

To reach more people, the library of reviews is now also integrated into QULI, one of the major personal health records in use in the Netherlands, as part of the Medmij programme.

The combined ORCHA assessment and MIND reviews have also enabled the team to have informed discussions with developers of digital health. They have provided developers with clear and actionable advice on how their product can be improved.  

Commenting on the programme, Rimmert Brandsma, Project Leader, eHealth, MIND, said: 

“The relationship between MIND, de Nederlandse ggz and ORCHA has also been very successful. There is huge synergy and I feel the end product is better having all partners working actively together. 

“We look forward to the next steps, of making multilingual versions of the website and increasing the number of apps assessed, possibly including AI, VR and wearables into the assessment structure. This will help us to support even more people to find the best digital health.” 
