Insights into the dementia apps landscape
Dementia Apps Rating Map

Last year the dementia app market was an estimated £1.5 billion. With an ageing population, concerned about its cognitive decline, this figure is set to be significantly bigger this year. But the most popular often aren’t the best apps.
ORCHA has reviewed more than 40 of the market’s most downloaded dementia apps, looking at more than 160 criteria across three main components: Data Security (DS), Clinical Assurance (CA) and User Experience (UX).
To reveal the results, we’ve plotted their results in a 3D chart (above).
This reveals 5 key takeaways:
1. Amongst the apps that scored above our quality threshold, there were two outlying apps, DST Dementia Test and Health Assessment from Quealth, which scored well across all three dimensions.
2. Interestingly, Although Constant Therapy achieved the highest Clinical Assurance (50) it scored significantly lower than the two top scoring Apps due to poor scoring in Data Security and User Experience.
3. No app yet achieves an ORCHA score over 84%, meaning there is still scope in this market to enhance existing apps or launch a new product that will meet the market’s demands.
4. Just over half of the apps do not meet our quality threshold (Amber) and have areas that need addressing, primarily around Clinical Assurance.
5. One app out of those reviewed, EA reminder, showed significant usability and data security issues that question its efficacy or safety, giving it a red score.