After recently sponsoring The Royal Society of Medicine’s ‘Medical Apps: Mainstreaming Innovation’ event on Thursday 4th April 2019, ORCHA has now been featured in Digital Health’s news report on the event.
ORCHA Featured in Digital Health News

After recently sponsoring The Royal Society of Medicine’s ‘Medical Apps: Mainstreaming Innovation’ event on Thursday 4th April 2019, ORCHA has now been featured in Digital Health’s news report on the event.
Digital Health’s article, available here, discusses the perspective of Liz Ashall-Payne, ORCHA’s CEO, on the problems facing medical apps.
‘Speaking at a Royal Society of Medicine event on medical apps […], Liz Ashall-Payne said awareness, accessibility, trust and governance were the challenges currently facing healthcare apps.’
ORCHA aims to tackle the main barriers to digital healthcare adoption – accessibility, trust and governance – by reviewing apps according to Clinical Effectiveness, Data and Security, and User Experience.
Liz, along with Tim Andrews, ORCHA’s COO, spoke about these issues and ORCHA’s solution at the RSM’s event. Tim mentioned that,
“We are currently doing a huge amount of research on how to get a much more robust set of user experience metrics from a combination of different data sources.”
Improving user experience will simultaneously increase trust and accessibility, which will hopefully allow the uptake of digital health amongst people, professionals and populations to progress.