Standards and digital health frameworks provide the knowledge and assurance that health systems need before recommending a health app to a patient.
Our technology lets you achieve your accreditation goals, be it build a new accreditation scheme, run an existing scheme, outsource the end to end process, or simply assess a product against a scheme criteria such as OBR, DTAC, NordDEC or DHAF.
Our unique technology allows rapid certification of health apps in a repeatable process, with unmatched speed and accuracy.
We deliver national frameworks in 12 countries, helping national health bodies to design and run their own digital health accreditations to improve population health. That means you can draw on the international best practice, and the data from the world’s largest collection of health app reviews.
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Digital Health Frameworks
Our award-winning assessment technology enables assessments of digital health products against national scheme assessments 5,000 times faster than any other method.
We can assess to all existing Digital Health Assessment schemes, including DTAC, NordDEC and DHAF. We are part of the team developing future standards, including the ISO/TS 82304-2.
After each assessment, the platform:
- Generates a report for the digital health supplier.
- The output, including a product’s compliance status, can be made public or be restricted.
- Identifies when a product is updated and requires another assessment.

Digital Health Scheme Builder
Build an accreditation programme with the right criteria for you. Start with the 600+ questions asked in ORCHA baseline or enhanced reviews, then add criteria unique to your needs, such as language or cultural requirements.
Whatever is needed, we can build it:
- Test: Your accreditation programme will be tested in our sandpit with sample sets of assessment data.
- Populate: Your platform can be pre-populated with the 6 million answers already held in our platform.
- Manage: Run your programme with end to end visibility and reporting.
Digital Health Accreditation in the Nordics
“We said very clearly when we started out with this project, to the Nordic community, that we didn’t want to start from scratch – we wanted to build this on the best experience out there, and everyone was pointing towards ORCHA.”
Anders Tunold-Hanssen, CEO and Project Manager of the Nordic Interoperability Project (N!P)

We can create a national framework for you to assess cost effective digital health products, such as apps, to strengthen your health services and support your population.
Let’s start building your vision for digital health, together.