Keep up to date with the most significant market developments
New Year News

Our team of experts continually monitor, assess and ask questions, so they can give consumers, professionals and health and care bodies across the world accurate, impartial and up to date advice on finding the best apps.
Here, we pick the most significant market developments from over the past month:
Commonwealth Centre for Digital Health to Launch Safe mHealth Platform with ORCHA
ORCHA is working with the Commonwealth Centre for Digital Health to launch a safe mHealth platform, enabling countries such as Uganda to adopt digital health.
ORCHA CEO elected for techUK Health and Social Care Council
Through her position on the Council, Liz, ORCHA’s CEO and Co-Founder, will work with the other Council members to guide the work of the programme team, provide a sounding board for activity, and steer the work of techUK in order to represent the healthtech industry in its totality.
Accessible Apps: Which Languages are Most Supported?
With the recent rise in mHealth app usage across the globe, accessing health information in multiple language is of vital importance. Our breakdown of accessible languages reveals that the apps on ORCHA’s App Library support 36 different languages.